82nd Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference
Thursday, April 3 through Sunday, April 6, 2025
Hybrid Format: In Person at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL or Online

All Panels/Paper Sessions, Roundtables, Lightning Talks and Working Groups will Feature a Hybrid Format (for In-Person or Virtual Participation). Undergraduate Poster Sessions will be In Person Only.

Conference Program Co-Chairs:
Hans C. Noel, Georgetown University
Jae-Jae Spoon, University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

Sign up here to receive email communications about the conference.

Register Now for the 82nd Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference

Registration is open for the 82nd Annual MPSA Conference! Reduced registration rates are listed below and available to MPSA members and to those who reserve a room at one of the official conference hotels.

Attendees have the flexibility to change their registration status from in-person to virtual (or vice versa) if plans change. In order to minimize any changes to the program, all sessions will be available in real time for those participating either in-person or online and sessions will consist of individuals participating in-person, online, or a mixture of both.

To ensure you receive the best conference registration rate: 

  1. Check to see if your membership is active through April 30, 2025 to get member pricing. Log in to your account to check your membership status, or join the MPSA/renew your membership before registering for the conference.
  2. Book your hotel accommodations in an official MPSA hotel to receive the in-hotel registration rate. Unsure about the length of your stay? Book as many nights as you want in order to secure the reduced rate, and then drop any extra unneeded room nights prior to the cutoff date and after you secure your schedule and travel plans. For guests staying at the Palmer House Hilton and the Hilton Chicago, please be aware that the hotels require a $50 deposit for a room reservation in lieu of one night hold normally placed on a credit card (per stay, not per night). If you cancel your room reservation within 48 hours of arrival, you will be charged a cancelation fee equal to the cost of one room night plus tax. If you register for the conference at the lower in-hotel rate but are not a registered guest in an official conference hotel, you will be billed for the difference between the in-hotel and out-of-hotel rates. If more than one person is staying in the room, make sure everyone’s name is on the reservation or your conference registration rate will be adjusted. If you are planning to participate virtually, you will automatically receive the lower in-hotel rate.

You must be logged in to your MPSA account to register. If you do not have an account, or are unsure, click here. If you need to reset your password, click here.

If you have another MPSA account associated with a different email address, contact to request the accounts be merged. Do not create a new account, as this will prevent you from accessing previously submitted proposals.

View the Preliminary Conference Program 

The preliminary schedule for sessions at the 82nd Annual MPSA Conference is available here. The online program is searchable by participant name, session format, section and date/time. You must be logged in with your MPSA username and password to access the system.

Upload Your Paper to the Online Conference Program

Upload your research to the online conference program. Uploading your research early allows for those attending your session to come prepared with meaningful feedback. Instruction on how to upload your paper can be found here. Instruction on how to access and download the research that has been uploaded to the online conference program can be found here.

Access Research that has been Uploaded to the Program

Papers that have been uploaded for the conference are accessible through the online conference program. Follow the steps listed here to access and download papers from your sessions. If your session does not have a download button available when logged in, the author(s) have not yet uploaded their research to the session.

Offer to Serve as a Chair or Discussant

Please consider volunteering your expertise to demonstrate your support of your colleagues in the discipline. Professional-level members and submitters may volunteer to be a discussant or chair via the MPSA proposal system. Second-year graduate students may volunteer to serve as a discussant on undergraduate sessions (poster sessions are for in-person participation only, no virtual option is available). Click here to view a curated list of open roles and sign up to volunteer. You must be logged in with your MPSA username and password to volunteer. All users must complete their profile before volunteering for a chair or discussant role. You will be prompted to complete your account profile if you have not done so already. Learn more about conference participation roles here.

A complimentary registration will be available for those who are attending the hybrid conference (either in-person or online) and participating as a discussant.

In order to qualify for a complimentary registration:

  • You must sign up for at least one discussant role. (While not required, fulfilling additional discussant or chair roles is greatly appreciated by your colleagues in the discipline looking for feedback on their research.)
  • You cannot be assigned to any author roles.
  • You cannot be a participant on any roundtable outside of the MPSA Professional Development Section 63.

Being added as a chair on a panel in addition to your discussant role(s) will not disqualify you from a complimentary registration. However, holding a chair role alone does not qualify you for a complimentary registration. We highly encourage you to volunteer for chair role(s) in addition to your service as a discussant. You must hold at least one discussant role to qualify.

If you are eligible to receive a complimentary registration, you will be emailed a link to register at no charge.

If you receive a complimentary registration but no longer meet the above requirements, your complimentary registration will be revoked and you will be need to purchase a conference registration.

Need a New Professional Headshot? Book Your Appointment for the MPSA Headshot Lounge Sponsored by Wiley

The MPSA Headshot Lounge Sponsored by Wiley will be held during the Annual Conference in the Exhibit Hall on the 4th Floor of the Palmer House Hilton on Friday, April 4. Timeslots are available in 30-minute increments (with up to 15 individual appointments each timeslot) from 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Headshot sessions are $20 and payment is required upon booking. Click here to reserve your time slot!

Arrive at the Headshot Lounge in the Exhibit Hall a few minutes prior to your designated appointment time and check in with staff. Immediately following your session, you will be emailed a link to a private gallery of your photos. 

Time slots will sell out fast! Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Click here to book your high-quality headshot session today and walk away from the Annual Conference with a new valuable career asset to use in a variety of ways, including on LinkedIn and your own professional website.

Optional touchups and special corrections are available, start at $35 per image and are organized with the photographer onsite on an as-requested basis.

Participate on a Professional Development Roundtable

The Professional Development Section is currently seeking participants for roundtable discussion on a variety of topics pertaining to job placement, career planning and development, public engagement, research, publishing, and teaching in political science. A list of proposed roundtables for 2025 can be found here. Specifically, we are looking for volunteers for the following roundtables:

  • Students: Strategies for Graduate School Success
  • Students: What to Do with My Political Science Degree: Career Paths for Undergraduates

Interested participants can sign up here.

Attend Wednesday’s Pre-Conference Workshop: Beyond the Hype: Rethinking Text Analysis in the Age of Generative AI

This free workshop is open to all registered MPSA Conference attendees. Limited space is available on a first-come-first-served basis. This workshop is recommended for anyone interested in the methods of text analysis and content analysis, or in the potential applications (and implications) of AI for political science research. The workshop is currently full; if you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please register here.

View the List of Conference Exhibitors

Plan to network with exhibitors at the conference who will be sharing information about their organizations, its books, products and services, and more! Exhibit Hall hours are: 

  • Thursday, April 3: 9:30 am – 6:30 pm 
  • Friday, April 4: 9:30 am – 6:40 pm 
  • Saturday, April 5: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm 

Plan to Attend a Meeting, Reception or Event

Mark your calendar and plan to attend 82nd Annual MPSA Conference meetings, receptions, and events. Please note that many events are available for in-person participation only, although some may offer a virtual option.

Office Hours with the MPSA Executive Committee During the MPSA Annual Conference

The MPSA Executive Committee (President, Christina Wolbrecht and President-elect, Rikhil Bhavnani) will hold office hours with attendees on Thursday, April 3rd from 3:30–5:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 5th from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Harvard Room on the 3rd floor. Attendees are welcome to drop-in without an appointment or may schedule time to meet with the Executive Committee through this link. Appointments are available in 10-minute intervals; if you need a longer appointment time, please book up to two consecutive 10-minute time slots or email the Executive Committee ( if you would like to set up meeting that you anticipate may go over twenty minutes.

MPSA Ombuds Office Hours at the MPSA Conference

The MPSA Ombuds Sarah Klaper will be available to meet with attendees Thursday, April 3rd from 1:00-5:00 p.m., Friday, April 4th from 1:00 –5:00 p.m., and Saturday, April 5th from 12:00-4:00 p.m. in Clark 2 on the 7th floor. MPSA Ombuds Tyler Smith and will be available by virtual appointment. To contact Sarah or Tyler on Sunday, April 6th please reach out via email to set up a virtual appointment that will take place after the conference. You can easily schedule a meeting during the conference with either Sarah or Tyler by using their scheduling link (forthcoming, please check back closer to the conference).  The Ombuds are also available for walk-in appointments, so long as they do not have another appointment already scheduled. If you have any questions or concerns about scheduling an appointment, please contact the ombuds via email at 

Conference Childcare Scholarship

MPSA offers Childcare Scholarships to help defray the hourly cost of childcare for parents or guardians that are current members of MPSA, registered and attending the annual conference in person, staying at one of the Conference Hotels (Palmer House, Hilton Chicago or Hosteling International of Chicago). If you are a Chicago resident, you may request consideration, however you must meet all of the other guidelines to be awarded the scholarship. A limited number of scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Childcare must be provided by a bonded and insured sitter service within Chicago, and not be the childcare costs a member is already paying on a day-to-day basis.  Learn more and apply today for a Conference Childcare Award. The application deadline is March 28, 2025.

Accept or Decline Your Conference Participation

Was your proposal accepted for the conference? Log in to your account as soon as possible to confirm your participation. Use the same email address that your acceptance notification email message was sent to as your username. If you haven’t logged in before, click here to set your password. Do not create a new account, as this will prevent you from accessing previously submitted proposals. If you have another MPSA account associated with a different email address contact to request the accounts be merged.

All co-authors must log in and respond, even if they don’t plan to attend the conference. If you aren’t planning to attend, please DECLINE your invitation to present. If a co-author ACCEPTS, the paper will stay on the program, and they will receive conference updates via email.

If you are being offered multiple participation roles on the program, you will receive a separate email for each one. Each offer must be accepted or declined individually after logging in. Instructions for confirming or declining your participation can be found here.

Request a Letter of Invitation for the Conference 

If you need a letter of invitation for a Visa, log in to your MPSA account and click “Request a Letter of Invitation.” You will be prompted to complete your profile first, if you have not done so already.

Print a Certificate of Attendance

Participants will be able print a certificate of attendance by logging into their MPSA account and clicking “Request a Certificate of Attendance”. Certificates of attendance will only be provided to those registered individuals with accepted roles on the program who either attended the conference in person (you must have checked in with registration and picked up your name badge) or have logged into the virtual meeting.

Exhibit, Sponsor or Advertise at the 82nd Annual MPSA Conference 

We invite you to secure your chance to share information about your organization, its books, products and services, and network with members and attendees through exhibiting, advertising and sponsorship opportunities throughout the conference. We have some great bundle deals featuring options to get in front of conference attendees, expanding your outreach and visibility to more professionals in the political science community. For questions or assistance, contact MPSA Professional Development Manager, Lewis Hoss, Ph.D. at or (812) 558-0588, ext. 13. 

About the MPSA Annual Conference

The MPSA Annual Conference is one of the largest political science conferences in the discipline with over 1,000 panels, a large exhibit hall, and a variety of networking and professional development activities. The conference historically averages more than 4,500 attendees from every state in the US and over 65 countries around the world representing 80+ political interest areas. The conference brings together scholars, researchers and decision makers in the political science community to exchange information and address the latest scholarship in political science.

The conference has the international and multidisciplinary research collaboration opportunities you seek and the networking opportunities and professional development sessions tailored to help you take the next step with your research. 

Hybrid Session Formats and Real Time Sessions
The 82nd Annual MPSA Conference will feature a hybrid session format for all Panel/Paper sessions, Roundtables, Lightning Talks and Working Groups. Sessions will be broadcast online in real time. Panels may consist of individuals participating in-person, online, or a mixture of both. Poster sessions and Receptions and Networking Events are available for in-person participation only. Each format is described in detail here.

In-Person Conference Participation and COVID-19 Policies
In-Person Participation. All conference events, including research panels, networking and mentoring receptions, will be held at the historic Palmer House Hilton Hotel. For those participating in-person, hotel rooms will be available at various price points at the Palmer House and at multiple nearby hotels. Featuring two international airports (ORD and MDW), Chicago is one of just FIVE cities on Earth with direct air service to all inhabited continents – traveling to Chicago couldn’t be easier!

COVID-19 Policies. The MPSA will follow state and local guidelines requiring masks and vaccination. The City of Chicago has lifted its indoor mask mandate, its proof of vaccination requirement, and has no capacity restrictions; however we highly encourage you to take appropriate health and safety measures. If there are any changes to state and local guidelines, we will communicate them as they become available. Please see additional COVID-19 recommendations and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control.

Presenter Registration Status Flexibility
If you register for in-person attendance and are unable to travel, you can change your registration status to virtual if you are participating on a session featuring a hybrid format (Panel/Paper sessions, Roundtables, Lightning Talks and Working Groups). You may also switch your registration status from virtual to in person as needed. If you have a participatory role (presenter, chair, discussant) on an undergraduate poster session, you will not be able to switch your registration status from in person to virtual as this session type is available for in-person participation only. 

If you need to change your status, please login to your MPSA account. After logging in, click the “Update Registration” button to begin the updating process. Adjustments to registration pricing (based on in-hotel/virtual, out-hotel status) will be processed accordingly. If a balance is due, your registration will not be updated until the balance is paid in full. Any refunds due to registration status changes will be issued after the conference. 

Conference Policies
The Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) is committed to providing a safe, harassment-free, hospitable and productive meeting environment for everyone attending our events, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, religion or belief. All conference participants must agree to abide by the MPSA Code of Conduct at Events as well as the MPSA Streaming and Recording Policy. 

About the MPSA

Home of the American Journal of Political Science (AJPS), one of the top-ranked academic journals in the discipline, the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) was founded in 1939 and is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in all areas of political science.

The purposes of the MPSA are to promote the professional study and teaching of political science, to facilitate communications between those engaged in such study, and to develop standards for and encourage research in theoretical and practical political problems.

As such, MPSA is a nonpartisan association. It does not support political parties or candidates.


Please contact MPSA staff at

Future MPSA Conference Dates

    • Thursday, April 23 – Sunday, April 26, 2026
    • Thursday, April 1 – Sunday, April 4, 2027
    • Thursday, March 30 – Sunday, April 2, 2028
    • Thursday, April 19 – Sunday, April 22, 2029
    • Thursday, March 28 – Sunday, March 31, 2030