Nominations Committee for the MPSA Council
This standing committee has five members. Nominations for officers are solicited from the membership, and the nominations committee selects a slate of officers, including all elected positions and any other vacancies on the Council. Learn more about the Nominations Committee and other committees of the MPSA here.
2024-2025 Nominations Committee:
Shana Gadarian, Syracuse University (Chair)
Leslie Schwindt-Bayer, Rice University
Jacob Levy, McGill University
Joshua Tucker, New York University
Daniel Galvin, Northwestern University
Election of Officers and Council Members
The election of officers and council members occurs at the Annual Business Meeting, held during the MPSA Conference or by a ballot sent to members if required. This year, the MPSA Annual Business Meeting will be held Saturday, April 5 from 6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL.
The 2024-2025 Nominations Committee’s slate of nominees is listed below. The committee selected the slate of nominees after careful deliberation and attention to the diversity of the discipline.
Slate of Nominees:
President-Elect, 2025-2026: Jennifer Merolla, University of California-Riverside
Vice President, 2025-2028: Zeynep Somer-Topcu, University of Texas at Austin
Treasurer, 2025-2028: Ted Brader, University of Michigan
Council Members, 2025-2028:
- Karen Sebold, University of Arkansas
- Robert Lupton, University of Connecticut
- Tasha Philpot, University of Texas at Austin
- Andrew Civettini, Knox College
- Deva Woodly, Brown University
Thank you to the Nominations Committee for their work in selecting the slate of nominees. View current MPSA Officers and members of Council here.
If you or a colleague are interested in serving on the MPSA Council, please complete the MPSA Council Member Nomination form in order to be considered by the 2025-2026 Nominations Committee. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations must be made by October 3, 2025 in order to be considered for the 2026 Slate of Officers and Council Members.