MPSA Announces the Creation of the Dianne Pinderhughes Diversity PhD Student Travel Scholarship

The Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) is honored to announce the creation of a new Graduate Student Travel Scholarship, the “Dianne Pinderhughes Diversity PhD Student Travel Scholarship”, to help defray the travel costs associated with attending the MPSA Annual Conference.

The scholarship honors the work and accomplishments of Dianne Pinderhughes, Ph.D., the Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Professor of Africana Studies and Political Science; she holds a concurrent faculty appointment in American Studies, is a Faculty Fellow at the Kellogg Institute, and is a Research Faculty member in Gender Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. Pinderhughes was a member of and then Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. She was President of the American Political Science Association 2007-08, and the APSA Task Force she appointed completed its report in 2011: Political Science in the 21st Century. Pinderhughes was President of the International Political Science Association (2021-2023); she Co-Chaired its 2016 Poznan Poland World Congress. Pinderhughes was President of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (1988-89). Pinderhughes has also been a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2003-04). Pinderhughes’s publications include Uneven Roads: An Introduction to US Racial and Ethnic Politics (co-author; 2014;2016;2024); Race and Ethnicity in Chicago Politics: A Reexamination of Pluralist Theory (1987); Race, Gender, and the Changing Face of Political Leadership in 21st Century America (co-author; 2016).

Established in 2024, the Dianne Pinderhughes Diversity PhD Student Travel Scholarship joins 13 other Graduate Student Travel Scholarships awarded by the MPSA to graduate student members in a doctoral program who are presenting at the annual conference. The scholarship will provide $500 in travel funding with an awarding preference to students with a diverse background.

Learn more about MPSA Graduate Student Travel Scholarships here. Your support of the discipline and political science scholars makes a difference! Consider making a tax-deductible donation to help fund this scholarship or other MPSA Graduate Student Travel Scholarships.


About the MPSA

Home of the American Journal of Political Science (AJPS), one of the top-ranked academic journals in the discipline, the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) was founded in 1939 and is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in all areas of political science.

The purposes of the MPSA are to promote the professional study and teaching of political science, to facilitate communications between those engaged in such study, and to develop standards for and encourage research in theoretical and practical political problems. As such, MPSA is a nonpartisan association. It does not support political parties or candidates.