How Governments Influence Competition between Militant Groups
By Justin Conrad and William Spaniel When Algeria descended into violence in…
All Male Panels Erode Citizens' Perceptions of Democratic Legitimacy
By Amanda Clayton, Diana Z. O'Brien, and Jennifer M. Piscopo All-male panels…
Voting Can Be Hard, Information Helps
By Melody Crowder-Meyer, Shana Kushner Gadarian, and Jessica Trounstine
Differential Electoral Coordination of House Republican Intraparty Organizations
By Zachary A. McGee of the University of Texas at Austin
What 18,000 Declassified Documents (and a Computer) Reveal About the Credibility of Signals During Crises
By Eric Min of Stanford University
by mpsaadmin
In Retrospect: Tips for First-Time MPSA Attendees and Presenters
By Charmaine N. Willis of University at Albany, SUNY