Alex Ellison
MPSA’s Top 10 Blog Posts from 2018
As the calendar year begins to wind down, we take a look back at our…
The Public Expert: How Academics Can Break the Ivory Tower Stereotype #MPSA18
By Alex Ellison In the professional development track at the Midwest Political Science Association Conference in Chicago, IL, there were a couple of sessions on using social media in academia and sharing research in more easy-to-digest ways with the general public. In higher education, there is…
Do Academics Stink at Work/Life Balance?
And is this scaring away students? By Alex Ellison At the 2018 Midwest Political Science Association Conference in Chicago, IL, I attended the session, Trying to Balance Work and Life with Joel Raveloharimisy from Andrews University, William Raymond from Benedictine College, Marjorie Hershey…
Why Would A Mom and A Business Owner Get An MPA?
And what does she do with it?
By Alex Ellison
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash
I was accepted to the University of…
How Predictable is Your Work?
The truth about job security in the future
By Alex Ellison
If you spend a lot of time doing predictable,…