Michael A. Smith

Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Electoral College. It is Not Going to Happen (and Maybe that’s Best).

By Michael A. Smith, Emporia State University USA Word Map Election With the 2020 campaign season having already begun…

The Only Thing We Have to Fear

By Michael A. Smith of Emporia State University The Only Thing We Have to Fear Senator and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey‘s…

Save the Swamp

By Michael A. Smith of Emporia State University The Trump Administration’s recent reversal on immigration policy regarding children has gotten me to thinking. What exactly does it mean to “drain the swamp?” First, let me share a bit of background about the current situation. In 1997, a court ruling…

More Bridging, Less Bonding: New Views of Social Capital

(or, Why I am Going to Watch Roseanne) by Michael A. Smith of Emporia State University MPSA-Smith-Bond-Bridge Social…

The New Political Scientists—We’re Live, We’re Nationwide, and We’re Online

By Michael A. Smith, Professor of Political Science at Emporia State University Senior man with tattoo smiling and looking at camera

What George Washington Really Meant About Political Parties -- and Why It Matters

By Michael A. Smith of Emporia State University Politicians Having a Beer Did George Washington really hate political…