MPSA Awards

Informed Preferences: the Impact of Unions on Worker’s Policy Views

The following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. What is the impact of labor unions in shaping the political preferences of workers? More specifically, to what extent can we trace the…

Controlling Agency Choke Points: Presidents and Regulatory Personnel Turnover

The following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. Presidents desire to see their priority policy goals implemented. To see these policies put into place presidents need control over…

Clerics and Scriptures: Experimentally Disentangling the Influence of Religious Authority in Afghanistan

The following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. What power do religious authorities exert over people? While the traditional role of churches and clergy as nurturers of social capital…

Mass Administrative Reorganization, Media Attention, and the Paradox of Information

The following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. Our article – Mass Administrative Reorganization, Media Attention, and the Paradox of Information (Now PAR 2015) – is one of a series of…

Complex Interactions: How Electoral Institutions affect Voter Support for Female and Minority Candidates

The following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. Women and racial and ethnic minorities hold far fewer political offices than one might expect given their presence in the American…

The Calculus of Vote-Selling: Electoral Trust and the Value of a Vote

MPSABlog_Rau_ElectoralTrustThe following is part of a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients…

The Company You Keep: How Voters Infer Party Positions on European Integration from Governing Coalition Arrangements

The following is the first in a series of posts written by 2016 MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences. Democratic accountability requires citizens to be reasonably well-informed about political parties’ issue positions. Citizens may…