MPSA Annual Conference

MPSA’s Standing ePanels: A Supportive Space for Feedback and Skill-Building

By Colleen Wood of Columbia University Standing ePanels at #MPSA19 In the exhibition hall at MPSA, it is easy enough to get…

MPSA Member Profile: Rebecca Dew

Dr. Rebecca Dew is an Independent Researcher based in Florida, where she can be reached at or her personal website, or followed on Twitter @beccadew. Additionally, Dew is a recent participant in the Wikipedia Fellows program. Here we ask her a few questions about her experiences:

MPSA Roundtable: The Path to Full

hannah-busing-643544-unsplash This MPSA roundtable session on “MPSA Roundtable: The Path to Full”, hosted by the…

The Deliberative Sublime: Edmund Burke on Disruptive Speech and Imaginative Judgment

Edmund Burke EngravingEdmund Burke Engraving By Rob Goodman of McGill University Could it be true that judicious political conduct…

In Retrospect: Tips for First-Time MPSA Attendees and Presenters

By Charmaine N. Willis of University at Albany, SUNY In Retrospect: Tips for First-Time MPSA Attendees and Presenters

Diffusion by Any Means Necessary

By Harold “Harry” Young of Austin Peay State University MPSA-Young-DiffusionMembers of the "GRAD SCHOOL: What to Expect at a…

Reflections on the #MPSA18 Mentoring Reception

On the second day of the 76th Annual Conference, MPSA held a mentoring reception for which graduate students, PhD recipients in non-academic positions, junior, mid-career, and contingent faculty could select volunteer mentors for small group mentoring to discuss their current research and…