The Big Lessons of Political Advertising in 2018

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

MPSA Member Profile: Rebecca Dew

Dr. Rebecca Dew is an Independent Researcher based in Florida, where she can be reached at or her personal website, or followed on Twitter @beccadew. Additionally, Dew is a recent participant in the Wikipedia Fellows program. Here we ask her a few questions about her experiences:

The Only Thing We Have to Fear

By Michael A. Smith of Emporia State University The Only Thing We Have to Fear Senator and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey‘s…

Generation Z voters could make waves in 2018 midterm elections

By Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Tufts University Unlike the much-studied millennials, we don’t know much about Generation Z, who now make up most of the 18- to 24-year-old voting bloc. These young people started first grade after 9/11, were born with the internet, grew up with smartphones and social…

MPSA Roundtable: The Path to Full

hannah-busing-643544-unsplash This MPSA roundtable session on “MPSA Roundtable: The Path to Full”, hosted by the…

You can trust the polls in 2018, if you read them carefully

By Josh Pasek, University of Michigan and Michael Traugott, University of Michigan File 20180910 123125…</p><hr /><p class=by mpsaadmin