How Predictable is Your Work?

The truth about job security in the future By Alex Ellison   HowPredictable If you spend a lot of time…

When the elite abandon democracy – A Warning from Belize?

By Harold Young of Austin Peay State University “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As always, my first full day in Belize starts in my barber’s…

MPSA in 2017 - Accomplishments Worth Celebrating (video)

  This year was confusing at times and exhausting at others, but it also had its high points. As we say goodbye to 2017, we welcome you to join us for the MPSA highlight reel. Our thanks to everyone who played a part in making these projects a reality, including our program chairs, council members,…

The Top 5 MPSA Roundtable Audio Recordings (podcasts) from 2017

MPSA-Top5Podcasts Each year at its annual conference, MPSA records dozens of professional development panels focusing on topics…

Recap of Tuesday's #PSBeWell End-of-Semester/Holiday Edition

PSBeWell-EndOfSemester This month’s MPSA Twitter Chat featured a conversation about creating a less stressful…