(The Lack of) Diversity in Trump's America

By Adaobi Duru, University of Louisiana at Monroe (The Lack of) Diversity in…</p><hr /><p class=by mpsaadmin

Q&A with Emily Farris re: The TCU Justice Journey

[youtube] MPSA member Emily Farris is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth, TX where she and a colleague run an interdisciplinary civil rights course and an annual Spring Break…

Ruling by Distraction

MPSAblog-Rasool-RulleByDistraction To rule by distraction is a time-tested tool of autocratic and authoritarian…

Alone and Working: Making the Transition to ABD

Alone and Working: Making the Transition to ABD The change from being a PhD Student to a PhD Candidate is a big one. The moment we…

Race and “Ism”: Incoming Fire from All Directions

Since it is impossible to discuss the issue of racism from the beginning, I will just start where I find myself. As an Assistant professor, it is probably safe for me to say that the multi-directional pressures and demands from administrations, departments, students, and parents are universal in…