Polling for the 2016 Presidential Election: What Went Wrong?

mpablog-2016electionpolling As I write, Donald Trump is less than two weeks from being inaugurated as President of the…

MPSA Blog: Top 10 Posts from 2016

MPSA Blog: Top 10 Posts from 2016 Regardless of your research interests, your academic (or Alt-Ac) role, or…

On the Eve of the 2017 Conference Season

On the Eve of Conference Season 2017 As the Fall semester comes to a close, most academics in our field are…

Recommended Reading: Themes from Election 2016

In the week since the election of Donald Trump, many citizens and political scientists are trying to understand both the underlying causes of the win while thinking about the implications for the citizenry and policy going forward. Here, we do not offer a full accounting of the election, but…

MPSA Member Interview: Emily Kalah Gade

Emily Kalah GadeEmily Kalah Gade is a PhD Candidate at the University of Washington at Seattle and has recently been awarded a Moore/Sloan Data…

Political Science: The Cure for Election Anxiety

Reporters are discovering a new phenomenon this year: election anxiety.  This year’s contests, particularly the one for President, have Americans worried and minds racing. The cure is right here: political science. It is the key to calming mental chatter, reducing stress, re-centering energy, and…

One PhD Candidate’s Roadmap for Successful Co-Authorship

All of us at one point or another have either considered or have been involved in a co-authored project. With the way academia is evolving, co-authorship is not only encouraged but it is fast becoming the norm especially in Political Science. But we hardly see discussions on how it works and the…