Teaching and Learning
If you're going to San Francisco...
... Visit us at APSA Booth #904! Look for MPSA in booth #904 in the APSA expo hall where we'll be busy answering questions about the MPSA conference, the new Twitter chat series, and your MPSA membership. Plus, MPSA will hold THREE drawings during the APSA conference. (You can enter even if you…
Q&A with Emily Farris re: The TCU Justice Journey
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slfLGQewr6A?rel=0&controls=0] MPSA member Emily Farris is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Texas Christian University (TCU) in Fort Worth, TX where she and a colleague run an interdisciplinary civil rights course and an annual Spring Break…
I’m Not a Disgrace, I’m Just Wrong
Shortly after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, I gave a talk to a local senior…
Race and “Ism”: Incoming Fire from All Directions
Since it is impossible to discuss the issue of racism from the beginning, I will just start where I find myself. As an Assistant professor, it is probably safe for me to say that the multi-directional pressures and demands from administrations, departments, students, and parents are universal in…
The Roundup: Political Science on Wikipedia
This article by Eryk Salvaggio originally appeared at the Wiki Education Foundation blog and is shared here with permission.
Making Sure the Light at the end of the Tunnel is not a Train: Securing a Faculty Position
After more than six years as a graduate student, and having survived the rigors of academic life including assignment deadlines, student teaching, qualifying exams, proposal defense and drafting my dissertation, the end was in sight. What followed in quick succession was the realization that I…
If Political Science Ruled the World (and We Were on Our Best Behavior)
Once, as a graduate student at the University of Missouri, I wisecracked, "the entire world should be turned over to political scientists for experimental purposes." I was joking and everyone knew it... but I never lived down that moment. The world should not be turned over to political scientists…
Studying for Comps? Here are Three Approaches to Try Based on Learning Style
An example of the author’s mind mapping technique (click to expand).
There comes a time in every…
Three Methods to Ready Your Research for Public Absorption
Recently one of the biggest discussions within the field of political science has been on how to…
Primaries and Caucuses 2016: Experiencing the Energy and Demystifying the Math
INDIANOLA, IA - FEBRUARY 1, 2016: Indianola mayor Kelly Shaw (second from right) and Smith's Emporia State University…