Work-Life Balance
The 2018 MPSA Conference Is Here: What Have You Done for Me Lately?
By Harold Young of Austin Peay State University
“Expectations should not always be taken as reality; because you never know when you will be disappointed.” ― Samuel P. Huntington
Why Would A Mom and A Business Owner Get An MPA?
And what does she do with it?
By Alex Ellison
Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash
I was accepted to the University of…
MPSA in 2017 - Accomplishments Worth Celebrating (video)
This year was confusing at times and exhausting at others, but it also had its high points. As we say goodbye to 2017, we welcome you to join us for the MPSA highlight reel. Our thanks to everyone who played a part in making these projects a reality, including our program chairs, council members,…
Recap of Tuesday's #PSBeWell End-of-Semester/Holiday Edition
This month’s MPSA Twitter Chat featured a conversation about creating a less stressful…
If you're going to San Francisco...
... Visit us at APSA Booth #904! Look for MPSA in booth #904 in the APSA expo hall where we'll be busy answering questions about the MPSA conference, the new Twitter chat series, and your MPSA membership. Plus, MPSA will hold THREE drawings during the APSA conference. (You can enter even if you…
Recap of MPSA Chat (Work-Life Balance #PSBeWell)
Many thanks to our co-hosts for the discussion: Todd Curry, Assistant Professor of Political Science at The University of Texas at El Paso, Jacqueline Sievert, Research Fellow with YWCA Niagara, and Adnan Rasool, Doctoral Candidate at Georgia State University. Look for the extended conversation on…
An Invitation to Participate: MPSA’s Inaugural Twitter Chat #PSBeWell
A healthy work-life balance is important regardless of where you are in your academic career. Every PhD has the first-hand experience with Grad School struggles. Every tenured professor can remember the feeling of going on the job market. PhDs in non-academic careers know how difficult the…
Alone and Working: Making the Transition to ABD
The change from being a PhD Student to a PhD Candidate is a big one. The moment we…
I’m Not a Disgrace, I’m Just Wrong
Shortly after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, I gave a talk to a local senior…