MPSA Conference
MPSA Roundtable on Applying to Grad School
Mackenzie H. Eason of the University of California – Los Angeles…
If you're going to San Francisco...
... Visit us at APSA Booth #904! Look for MPSA in booth #904 in the APSA expo hall where we'll be busy answering questions about the MPSA conference, the new Twitter chat series, and your MPSA membership. Plus, MPSA will hold THREE drawings during the APSA conference. (You can enter even if you…
MPSA Roundtable: Teaching LGBTQ Politics (audio)
Susan Burgess, Ohio University-Main Campus, chairs this discussion among panelists and participants in the audience on Teaching LGBTQ Politics. Panelists include Christine Keating of Ohio State University-Main Campus, Megan Elizabeth Osterbur of Xavier University of Louisiana, Marla Brettschneider…
MPSA Career Roundtable on What to Do/Not Do at a Job Talk (audio)
Listen in as Elizabeth A. Bennion of Indiana…
What Makes Citizens Support Gender Quotas?
By Tiffany D. Barnes and Abby Córdova, University of Kentucky
The following is part of a series of posts written by MPSA award recipients highlighting outstanding research presented at previous MPSA annual conferences and in the American Journal of Political Science. by mpsaadmin
Modern Police Tactics, Police-Citizen Interactions and the Prospects for Reform
By Jonathan Mummolo, Stanford University
New York City, New York - May 19, 2011: The crest on the jacket of a New York City…
The Loss Lab
“Trump was an alternative to interchangeable robots whose goal is to avoid saying anything interesting.” - Molly Ball, political reporter, The Atlantic “If you wanted to write a playbook for how to lose an election, Trump did that and he won anyway.” - Steve Peoples, AP reporter What rotten luck…
Four Stormy Days - #MPSA17
This year’s MPSA has been an interesting experience as opposed to other years. That is due to a near perfect storm of political events in the last few months. Add to this already interesting mix the fact that, due to inclement weather and flight cancellations, we end up with a more intimate…
Election 2016: Did New Voting Laws Tip the Balance?
Since the early 2000s, a flurry of new voting laws have passed in the states. There is a marked Democrat-Republican divide. Democratic-leaning states, such as California, Oregon, and Massachusetts, have passed laws making access to the ballot easier. Oregon now automatically registers citizens to…