MPSA Conference

How Ideology, Economics and Institutions Shape Affective Polarization in Democratic Polities

Summary by Noam Gidron, James Adams, and Will Horne Concerns over the health of democratic norms and institutions have intensified in recent years (e.g., Levitsky and Ziblatt 2018), with political polarization often cited as a key driver of democratic dysfunction. The rise of affective polarization…

Show Me the Money: Securing Research Funding

By Charmaine N. Willis of University of Albany Word map with various currencies scattered around edges One of the…

Fieldwork: Ethical Considerations, Funding, and Data Collection Methods

By Charmaine N. Willis of University of Albany Photo by Ryan Tauss on Unsplash The recent MPSA conference offered many…

How to Thrive in Graduate School (Whatever That Means)

By Colleen Wood of Columbia University Photo by Charles DeLoye on Unsplash In addition to thematic panels, the 77th Annual MPSA…

MPSA’s Standing ePanels: A Supportive Space for Feedback and Skill-Building

By Colleen Wood of Columbia University Standing ePanels at #MPSA19 In the exhibition hall at MPSA, it is easy enough to get…