
The Trump Effect on Immigration Court Cases

By Elise Blasingame, University of Georgia; Christina L. Boyd, University of Georgia; Roberto F. Carlos, The University of Texas at Austin; Joseph T. Ornstein, University of Georgia The following blog post is a summary of the research that co-won the Midwest Political Science Association’s Evan…

Best Practices in Discussant Roles & Interactions

By Emily Boykin, Doctoral Candidate in Public Administration at Florida State University Social science scholars continually choose to attend MPSA’s annual conference in part due to the quality of panel attendance and corresponding richness of paper or poster feedback. The role of the discussant is…

The Politics of Higher Education Reform

By Kenneth Burke The criticisms of higher education have become more vocal and visible, particularly in relation to issues such as political correctness, diversity, and inclusion. Political conservatives have recently voiced these criticisms loudly, viewing higher education as a hotbed of liberal…

Overheard at the Palmer House – A Love Letter to the 80th MPSA

By Kelsey Larsen, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida MPSA2023 finally wound…

Insights From a MPSA First-Time Attendee

By Juan Corredor-Garcia, PhD student in political science at the Graduate Center, City University of New York Academic conferences are privileged spaces for graduate students for various reasons. Whether it is submitting a work-in-progress, a dissertation chapter, or an article to submit to a…

Coherence Over Linearity: Transitioning to Administrative Roles

By James Steur, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Over the course of a career, it is natural for your professional goals to change over time. For many members of the academy, especially faculty members, moving into staff and administrative roles are one prominent and…

Less is More

By Kelsey Larsen, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida One of the…

The False Promise of Conference Imposters

By Kelsey Larsen, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida Now that MPSA23 is in full swing, all of…

Is This the Post-Trump Era? Nope, Not Yet

by Michael A. Smith, Professor of Political Science, Emporia State University Every year, the MPSA Annual Meetings convene at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago.  Just a few blocks away, the Trump International Hotel and Tower looms, the former President’s name clearly visible from down…

An Honest Conversation: Parenting in the Academy

By James Steur, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Parenting is both a fulfilling and demanding experience, and parents in academia face unique professional challenges at all stages in their career. Parents in the academy juggle a high volume of research, teaching, and…